关于西安旅游的英语作文 80词,介绍中国旅游地点的英文作文,带中文翻译

关于西安旅游的英语作文 80词

1、关于西安旅游的英语作文 80词

I'm very happy that we visited Xi'an last year. We enjoy those days in Xi'an very much. Xi'an is a great city, it has long history and great views. We went to the Xi'an museum,and the great two towers. I also saw the great ancient soldiers, and a lot of wonderful things. Xi'an also has clean and wide streets, high buildings and a lot of good food. I love the noodles! Xi'an is so lovely that a lot of people go to visit it. I also saw many foreign visitors, they' were all very interested in Xi'an. I was so proud about xi'an, and our great country.。


暑假游长白山 Summer tour in Changbai Mountain 暑假,我参加了爸爸单位组织的旅游活动,在这次活动中,我登上了长白山,看到了人们常谈的“人间仙境” Summer vacation, I took part in the dad unit of organization of tourism activities, in the event, I stepped on the Changbai Mountain, see the people often talk about the "fairyland on earth" 那天清晨,我们来到了长白山的小天池。小天池的风景真美,湖水平如明镜,微风轻佛,把叛变的花草树木和岩石都倒映在碧波涟漪的小天池里。碧绿的湖水和倒映中的林海峭壁融为1体,更为小天池的景致添色不少。 Early that morning, we came to the small Tianchi in Changbai Mountain. Beautiful scenery of the small Tianchi Lake, the lake level as a mirror, the breeze light Buddha, the mutiny of flowers and trees and rocks are reflected in the blue waves ripple the Tianchi small. The green lake and reflected in Linhai cliff together, more small Tianchi scenery add a lot of color. 8点左右,我们乘车去长白山顶,看长白山的天池。车沿着盘山道盘旅行驶,我坐在撤离,手里拿着《长白山浏览图》,真想插上翅膀快点儿飞到那儿,看看这举世闻名的长白山天地。窗外,1座座大山在眼前掠过,1片片松林在眼前出现。汽车很快地到了长白山天池的旁边。天池周围屹立着十6座雄伟的峰恋,像1尊尊勇士。这十6座巨峰,有的像直插青天的宝塔;有的似瞪着眼睛的雷翁…… Eight pm, we ride to see the Tianchi Changbai Mountain, Changbai Mountain. Car along the winding road wheel travel drive, I sat in the evacuation, holding the Changbai Mountain View Map ", really want to in wing hurry to fly there, look at the world-famous Changbai Mountain of heaven and earth. Out of the window, a large mountain in the eyes, a piece of pine forest in the eyes. The car soon came to the side of the Tianchi in Changbai Mountain. Tianchi around the sixteen majestic peaks of love, like a statue of honor. The sixteen seat Jufeng, some like blue line pagoda; some like staring Lei Weng...... 接着,我们离开了天池,坐车到长白山下看瀑布。瞧那飞流的瀑布,似1条银白色的带子从巍巍山峰上倾泻下来。它轰鸣着,喧嚷着,响声震耳欲聋,千丝万缕的水丝汇成澎湃的瀑布,激流并进出千滴万粒的水珠,在阳光照射下闪着银光。耳畔不由想起唐代大诗人礼拜的千古名句:“飞流直下3千尺,疑是银河落9天。” Then, we left the Tianchi, the car to see the falls under the Changbai Mountain. Look at the waterfall, like a silver white ribbon from the towering mountains down. It roared loud a,, the noise was deafening, countless water wire merged into the surging waterfall, stream and import and drop one thousand million grains of drops of water, in the sunlight flash of silver light. I do not think a great poet of the Tang Dynasty worship line: "waterfalls three thousand feet, the suspect is the Milky Way fell nine days." 我站在长白山天池旁,被这人间仙境深深迷住了,我真想大声呼喊:“我爱这人间仙境,我爱祖国的打好河山!” I stand beside the Tianchi in Changbai Mountain, is fascinated by this fairyland on earth, I really want to shout loudly: "I love this fairyland on earth, I love the motherland, the play good rivers and mountains!"。


This summer vacation,I went to Hainan with my mom.We went to there by air.And we bought a lot of local friut there. I often swam in the sea and I play beach vollyball with my mom.It was really fun!But I can not eat too much sea food ,because I do not like it.We were very happy in Hainan! [解释:在夏天,我将要和我妈妈去海南。。。。】。


Time for the celebration of the festival Weifang international kite festival is one of the most influential kite sports events, held once a year. Weifang international kite festival is an annual international kite festival, generally is due every year on April 20 to 25 in weifang city held a kite. Since 1984 held the first session of weifang kite festival, attracting a large number of Chinese and foreign experts and enthusiasts and tourists to watch kite, athletic, and sightseeing. Tourists arrived in weifang advisable prior to April 20. 风筝节的举办时间 潍坊国际风筝节是风筝运动最有影响力的活动,每年举办1次。 潍坊国际风筝节是1年1度的国际逗碰风筝盛会,1般定于每年4月20日至25日在风筝都潍坊举行。1984年举办第1届潍坊风筝节以来,吸引着大批中外风筝专家和爱好者及游人前来观赏、竞技和游览。旅游者以4月20日前抵达潍坊为宜。 关于介绍山穗谈潍坊风筝的英语作文 Time for the celebration of the festivalWeifang international kite festival is one of the most influential kite sports events, held once a year. Weifang international kite festival is an annual international kite festival, generally is due every year on April 20 to 25 in weifang city held a kite. Since 1984 held the first session of weifang kite festival, attracting a large number of Chinese and foreign experts and enthusiasts and tourists to watch kite, athletic, and sightseeing. Tourists arrived in weifang advisable prior to April 20.风筝节的举办时间 潍坊国际风筝节是风筝运动最有影响力的活动族颤,每年举办1次。 潍坊国际风筝节是1年1度的国际风筝盛会,1般定于每年4月20日至25日在风筝都潍坊举行。 1984年举办第1届潍坊风筝节以来,吸引着大批中外风筝专家和爱好者及游人前来观赏、竞技和游览。 旅游者以4月20日前抵达潍坊为宜。 ... 用英语介绍潍坊—风筝之都的短文 30字 Time for the celebration of the festivalWeifang international kite festival is one of the most influential kite sports events, held once a year. Weifang international kite festival is an annual international kite festival, generally is due every year on April 20 to 25 in weifang city held a kite. Since 1984 held the first session of weifang kite festival, attracting a large number of Chinese and foreign experts and enthusiasts and tourists to watch kite, athletic, and sightseeing. Tourists arrived in weifang advisable prior to April 20.风筝节的举办时间 潍坊国际风筝节是风筝运动最有影响力的活动,每年举办1次. 潍坊国际风筝节是1年1度的国际风筝盛会,1般定于每年4月20日至25日在风筝都潍坊举行.1984年举办第1届潍坊风筝节以来,吸引着大批中外风筝专家和爱好者及游人前来观赏、竞技和游览.旅游者以4月20日前抵达潍坊为宜.... 描写潍坊风筝的作文 我的家乡是着名的风筝之都——潍坊,又称“鸢都”,是1个景色优美、物产丰富、人杰地灵的好地方。 每年的4月20日1年1度风筝盛会就会在我的家乡如期进行,来自世界各地的风筝爱好者和选手在这里汇聚1堂,这时的风筝都张灯结彩、敲锣打鼓,到处都呈现出1派喜气洋洋的景色。 当年的潍县县令郑板桥曾留有“纸花如雪满天飞,娇女秋千打4围。 5色罗裙风摆动,好将蝴蝶斗春归。 ”潍坊风筝的起源地是杨家埠,那里可谓是藏龙卧虎。 爸爸曾带我参观过制作风筝的过程,别小看了这风筝的制作过程,它可1点也马虎不得,从竹条的剖制、烤制到绢纸的裱糊、绘画,都需要精工细作。 每完成1件作品,都要经过试飞成功才能算是最后完工。 每年当春姑娘迈着轻盈的脚步来到潍坊大地时,风筝广场上便热闹起来:大到56十岁的老翁,小到67岁的儿童,都带着自己心爱的风筝来到广场放飞,形成了1派热闹非凡的景象。 我抬头仰望蔚蓝的天空,空中的风筝各式各样:活泼机灵的小燕子、威风凛凛的龙头蜈蚣、喜迎奥运的5环风筝、还有美丽苗条的美人鱼等等,随着柔和的春风在空中翩翩起舞,把潍坊的上空装点得绚丽多彩。 尤其是4月20日风筝节到来之际,广场上就更热闹了:世界各国的风筝爱好者云集潍坊,我们潍坊人便会用微笑来欢迎来自世界各国的友人,在广场上同他们1起放飞自己精心制作的风筝。 这时,不管是相识还是不相识的,都会在1起游玩、娱乐,当你问他们对潍坊风筝的评价时,他们便会不约而同地伸出大拇指说:“潍坊风筝,OK!”... 潍坊风筝节作文 我的家乡----鸢都潍坊,位于山东省半岛中部。 虽然它是1座面积不大的城市,但我却深深热爱着它,因为这里发生着日新月异的变化。 它变美了、变大了、变得让全世界都知道潍坊这个名字了。 近年来,1座座高楼大厦拔地而起,狭窄的小径变成了宽阔平整的马路,奇臭无比的水沟变成了1条条清澈见底的湖河,白浪河、虞河、涨面河、为潍坊系上了1条条银白色的丝带,还有那令人垂涎3尺的特色风味小吃,更让我们引以为荣的就是那美丽的风筝了!当春姑娘迈着轻盈的脚步来到潍坊大地时,风筝广场上便热闹起来:大到56十岁的老翁,小到67岁的儿童,都带着自己心爱的风筝来到广场放飞,形成了1派热闹非凡的景象。 我抬头仰望蔚蓝的天空,空中的风筝各式各样:活泼机灵的小燕子、威风凛凛的龙头蜈蚣、喜迎奥运的5环风筝、还有美丽苗条的美人鱼等等,随着柔和的春风在空中翩翩起舞,把潍坊的上空装点得绚丽多彩。 1年1度的风筝盛会在我的家乡举行,每当4月20日风筝节到来之际,广场上就更热闹了:世界各国的风筝爱好者云集潍坊,我们潍坊人便会用微笑来欢迎来自世界各国的友人,在广场上同他们1起放飞自己精心制作的风筝。 这时,不管是相识还是不相识的,都会在1起游玩、娱乐,当你问他们对潍坊风筝的评价时,他们便会不约而同地伸出大拇指说:“潍坊风筝,OK!”白天的风筝都绚丽多彩,夜晚这里便成了灯的海洋。 怎么说呢,真可谓是灯火璀璨的“不夜城”啊!要说潍坊的风味小吃,和风筝相比也毫不逊色:皮酥馅香的城隍庙火烧,鲜美可口的鸡鸭和乐,独具特色的朝天锅等许多闻名全国的特色小吃,尝1口,啊!香喷喷的,让人回味无穷.可谓“吃了潍坊饭,不用天下转啊”!这就是我可爱的家乡----潍坊,听完我的介绍,你是否对鸢都潍坊产生了浓厚的兴趣?那你还等什么,赶快来吧!相信你经过1番游览之后,1定也会深深爱上我的家乡----潍坊的!... 关于风筝节英语作文带翻译 潍坊风筝节是中国最大的1个国际风筝节之1Weifang is known throughout the world as one of China's three major kite-making schools along with Beijing and Tianjin. Unmatched artisanship and diverse subject matter that draws heavily from local folk life to characterize Weifang Kite. Since 1984 Weifang has been the site of an annual international kite festival, which attracts numerous visitors from every nook and cranny of the world. During the festival the sky of the city is swarmed with kites ingeniously designed and colorfully decorated. This is perhaps one of the reasons why Weifang has been lauded by kite fans as “capital of the world of kites.” The International Kites Federation is headquartered in Weifang.潍坊,北京和天津是在世界各地被称为中国3大制作风筝的学校。 无与伦比的工艺和不同的主题吸收很多当地民间风俗。 自1984年以来潍坊的1年1度的国际风筝节,吸引了无数来自世界的每1个角落的游客。 节日期间城市上空的充满着巧妙设计和5彩缤纷的风筝。 这可能是潍坊被风筝迷们亲切的成为“世界风筝中心”。 “国际风筝联合会总部设在潍坊。 希望能帮到你 望采纳 谢谢... 【关于风筝节英语作文带翻译】作业帮 潍坊风筝节是中国最大的1个国际风筝节之1Weifang is known throughout the world as one of China's three major kite-making schools along with Beijing and Tianjin.Unmatched artisanship and diverse subject matter that draws heavily from local folk life to characterize Weifang Kite.Since 1984 Weifang has been the site of an annual international kite festival,which attracts numerous visitors from every nook and cranny of the world.During the festival the sky of the city is swarmed with kites ingeniously designed and colorfully decorated.This is perhaps one of the reasons why Weifang has been lauded by kite fans as “capital of the world of kites.” The International Kites Federation is headquartered in Weifang.潍坊,北京和天津是在世界各地被称为中国3大制作风筝的学校.无与伦比的工艺和不同的主题吸收很多当地民间风俗.自1984年以来潍坊的1年1度的国际风筝节,吸引了无数来自世界的每1个角落的游客.节日期间城市上空的充满着巧妙设计和5彩缤纷的风筝.这可能是潍坊被风筝迷们亲切的成为“世界风筝中心”.“国际风筝联合会总部设在潍坊. 英文作文:我喜欢的玩具是风筝 放风筝期天,我和爸爸去公园里放风筝。 走进广场抬头1看,广场上飘着各种各样的风筝,有小鱼风筝、有小鸟风筝、还有蝴蝶风筝5颜6色,特别漂亮。 我是老鹰风筝,我想我的风筝也不比他们人风筝差。 于是,左手拿线,右手拿着风筝,开始放了。 我把风筝使劲往天空1抛。 ...风筝节我想设立1个风筝节。 在暑假里,我和爸爸妈妈去公园里放风筝。 我拿着心爱的老鹰风筝,往天空1扔,但风筝往上飞了1会儿就垂头丧气地掉了下来,我很失望。 突然,1阵微风吹过,我继续把风筝往上1扔,风筝顺着微风慢慢地飞上了天,我马上把风筝线放了出来,风筝越飞越...放风筝的乐趣放风筝的乐趣潍坊是我国的风筝之都,那里每年都要举行1次风筝节。 用纸做的叫纸鸢,在风筝上装上哨子,哨子便会发出像古筝1样的声音,所以叫风筝。 我对风筝爱不释手。 1放寒假,我和好朋友龙政就来到钱塘江边放风筝。 我抓住线,龙政拿着风筝跑。 嗖的1下,风筝... 向美国笔友介绍第35届潍坊风筝节的作文 Common practice is generally used kites bamboo frame, made ????of paper meat. Bamboo is the main material for making a kite frame. 3-5 cm thickness selected bamboo whittled bamboo, bamboo toughness to make kites using the skeleton. According to their preferences skeleton made ????of a variety of kites, such as the dragonfly-shaped, butterfly-shaped. Paper is one of the main kite Mongolia paste material to a thin fiber length and uniform quality, resilient, moisture resistant, the color white and clean preferred. Papered in the skeleton, and then on-line system, the kite do the work. Makes the kite the tool:Starch, Paper knife Makes the kite the material:Thin bamboo strip,Gauze paper,Ma Lazhi (1) this kind of four square shapes kite,Now uses many,Most universal(2) kite skeleton,Solely uses o to pose extremely simply(3) procedure although is simple,But the appearance change are extremely many,Adds a free time to be possible to make very many things Procedure:1. First immerses the thin bamboo strip,Make thin bamboo strip soft body,Again uses the knife to break the thin bamboo strip,Approximately three coarseness,Then repairs half shape,Because later must paste the thin bamboo strip on Ma Lazhi,If too is thick,The thin bamboo strip can pull the broken paper 转载请注明出处 » 关于介绍潍坊风筝的英语作文。
