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Meet the garden event of


Who is that, een in the dark green, ma dense ornament so extraordinary?


Who is that's thoughts in the gentle breeze gently in a song, but the songs of moving?


Who is that a dab hand, secretly will supreme beauty, moved to here?


Everyone should know what I mean?


Of course is the expo.


2011, huaxia source veins, millennium royal park, the silk road starting point, conscientiousness and hometown - xian, China will focus on the world's eyes, this is following the 1999 kunming, 2006 shenyang international horticultural exposition, after the third came to China in xian, grand opening! Ba action hrowing-seedling


2011 xian world horticultural exposition emblem of xian 2011 world horticultural exposition A2 + B1 level of international horticultural exposition, the park covers an area of 418 hectares, including the waters area 188 hectares.


Total investment is 20 million yuan, window, will have 100 178 days many domestic and foreign cities and institutions in the exhibition, visitors number 12 million.


2011 world horticultural exposition in xian to ecological civilization, "heaven enterprise lead creative nature" as the theme, plants, creating natural landscape, as the main body of the construction of the garden architecture hascontributed to historical and cultural background, reveal xian and region characteristic lasting appeal, human and nature, showing the harmonious coexistence of city and nature new ideas and new ideas, explore people, city, gardens, natural harmonious coexistence of future development mode.


Xian expo site, located in wide shipped pool on Ba history said that "the coast of Ba action", is one of the Chinese ancient main ports.

盛唐天宝年间,唐玄宗曾在此举办了大规模水运博览和商品交易会,展示了唐代商贸的发 达和水运的畅通,创世界博览会之发端。

Tang tianbao years, emperor xuanzong worked in this held large-scale water transportation expo and commodities fair, show the hair of the tang dynasty and water transport of trade of the world exposition unblocked, then start.


People around the world the opportunity to xian xian, will back to one of the world's wonders, let the world know, xian is a sleeping dragon, when he woke up will shock the world.


Below I introduce expo features of xian.


Speaking of xian the landmark buildings, the expo is heaven changan tower, creative natural hall, greenhouse and main gate tower, including more reflect nature enterprise the ancient city xian unique characteristics.


Harmony maintained the sui and tang dynasties of changan tower square pagodas verve, but also increase the modern elements, a successful combination, hand in photograph reflect.


95 meters, total high tower, the ground 13 14 layer a layer, layer underground dungeons;


The top of the tower will be built sky garden flowers will timely replaced.


Heaven changan tower adopts steel structure framework, roof and all pick eaves all use transparent safety glass, wall also USES glass curtain wall, is completed, it will constitute cyrstal effect, full of contemporary feeling, is the best attractions overlooking the park, but also the understanding of contemporary tower. And deductive


Overall structure for "two ring, two axis, five groups".


Among them, the "two ring" points primarily ring and times rings.


Main ring as the core area, the main distribution has outdoor ZhanYuan and gardening spots;


Times for spreading area, decorate ring the garden village, management center, service facilities.


"Two axis" refers to the two landscape axis in the park, the north-south axis, thing for times for shaft.


"Five groups" for changan park, respectively creative park, wuzhou garden, science and technology park and experience park.


The main building has changan tower, creative hall, natural hall MRT and wide door;


Five themes gardening attractions respectively is enterprise, colorful flowers ZhongNa, along the valley HuaYu, overseas grand and Ba on rainbow;


Three places respectively Ba characteristic service on somebody else, is YeFeng waterfront and European feelings.


Distance hailida international expo has been less than 2 months time, I already can't restrain excited mood, giving this millennium ancient expo into a new page, I hereby sincerely wish to become the most attractive expo in xian event, also wish our city xian create splendid future!

2、求1篇 关于西安世园会的英语作文,高考水品的,谢谢



Meet the garden event of


Who is that, een in the dark green, ma dense ornament so extraordinary?


Who is that's thoughts in the gentle breeze gently in a song, but the songs of moving?


Who is that a dab hand, secretly will supreme beauty, moved to here?


Everyone should know what I mean?


Of course is the expo.


2011, huaxia source veins, millennium royal park, the silk road starting point, conscientiousness and hometown - xian, China will focus on the world's eyes, this is following the 1999 kunming, 2006 shenyang international horticultural exposition, after the third came to China in xian, grand opening! Ba action hrowing-seedling


2011 xian world horticultural exposition emblem of xian 2011 world horticultural exposition A2 + B1 level of international horticultural exposition, the park covers an area of 418 hectares, including the waters area 188 hectares.


Total investment is 20 million yuan, window, will have 100 178 days many domestic and foreign cities and institutions in the exhibition, visitors number 12 million.


2011 world horticultural exposition in xian to ecological civilization, "heaven enterprise lead creative nature" as the theme, plants, creating natural landscape, as the main body of the construction of the garden architecture hascontributed to historical and cultural background, reveal xian and region characteristic lasting appeal, human and nature, showing the harmonious coexistence of city and nature new ideas and new ideas, explore people, city, gardens, natural harmonious coexistence of future development mode.


Xian expo site, located in wide shipped pool on Ba history said that "the coast of Ba action", is one of the Chinese ancient main ports.

盛唐天宝年间,唐玄宗曾在此举办了大规模水运博览和商品交易会,展示了唐代商贸的发 达和水运的畅通,创世界博览会之发端。

Tang tianbao years, emperor xuanzong worked in this held large-scale water transportation expo and commodities fair, show the hair of the tang dynasty and water transport of trade of the world exposition unblocked, then start.


People around the world the opportunity to xian xian, will back to one of the world's wonders, let the world know, xian is a sleeping dragon, when he woke up will shock the world.


Below I introduce expo features of xian.


Speaking of xian the landmark buildings, the expo is heaven changan tower, creative natural hall, greenhouse and main gate tower, including more reflect nature enterprise the ancient city xian unique characteristics.


Harmony maintained the sui and tang dynasties of changan tower square pagodas verve, but also increase the modern elements, a successful combination, hand in photograph reflect.


95 meters, total high tower, the ground 13 14 layer a layer, layer underground dungeons;


The top of the tower will be built sky garden flowers will timely replaced.


Heaven changan tower adopts steel structure framework, roof and all pick eaves all use transparent safety glass, wall also USES glass curtain wall, is completed, it will constitute cyrstal effect, full of contemporary feeling, is the best attractions overlooking the park, but also the understanding of contemporary tower. And deductive


Overall structure for "two ring, two axis, five groups".


Among them, the "two ring" points primarily ring and times rings.


Main ring as the core area, the main distribution has outdoor ZhanYuan and gardening spots;


Times for spreading area, decorate ring the garden village, management center, service facilities.


"Two axis" refers to the two landscape axis in the park, the north-south axis, thing for times for shaft.


"Five groups" for changan park, respectively creative park, wuzhou garden, science and technology park and experience park.


The main building has changan tower, creative hall, natural hall MRT and wide door;


Five themes gardening attractions respectively is enterprise, colorful flowers ZhongNa, along the valley HuaYu, overseas grand and Ba on rainbow;


Three places respectively Ba characteristic service on somebody else, is YeFeng waterfront and European feelings.


Distance hailida international expo has been less than 2 months time, I already can't restrain excited mood, giving this millennium ancient expo into a new page, I hereby sincerely wish to become the most attractive expo in xian event, also wish our city xian create splendid future!


Xi'an is a beautiful city with a very colorful history.There are so many famous buildings in xian,such as clay sulelievs,Banpo village museum and so on.If one day you come to Xi'an,you'd better visit some places of interest,so that you can learn more knowledges about this ***.At last,I'm sure that you can have a great time in Xi'an.译:西安是座有着悠久历史的城市,这里有许多的著名建筑,比如说兵马俑,半坡博物馆等等。如果有天你来到西安,你最好去参观名胜古迹,以便你可以学到更多有关于这座城市的知识。最后,我相信你在西安会玩的开心。



Meet the garden event of


Who is that, een in the dark green, ma dense ornament so extraordinary?


Who is that's thoughts in the gentle breeze gently in a song, but the songs of moving?


Who is that a dab hand, secretly will supreme beauty, moved to here?


Everyone should know what I mean?


Of course is the expo.


2011, huaxia source veins, millennium royal park, the silk road starting point, conscientiousness and hometown - xian, China will focus on the world's eyes, this is following the 1999 kunming, 2006 shenyang international horticultural exposition, after the third came to China in xian, grand opening! Ba action hrowing-seedling


2011 xian world horticultural exposition emblem of xian 2011 world horticultural exposition A2 + B1 level of international horticultural exposition, the park covers an area of 418 hectares, including the waters area 188 hectares.


Total investment is 20 million yuan, window, will have 100 178 days many domestic and foreign cities and institutions in the exhibition, visitors number 12 million.


2011 world horticultural exposition in xian to ecological civilization, "heaven enterprise lead creative nature" as the theme, plants, creating natural landscape, as the main body of the construction of the garden architecture hascontributed to historical and cultural background, reveal xian and region characteristic lasting appeal, human and nature, showing the harmonious coexistence of city and nature new ideas and new ideas, explore people, city, gardens, natural harmonious coexistence of future development mode.


Xian expo site, located in wide shipped pool on Ba history said that "the coast of Ba action", is one of the Chinese ancient main ports.

盛唐天宝年间,唐玄宗曾在此举办了大规模水运博览和商品交易会,展示了唐代商贸的发 达和水运的畅通,创世界博览会之发端。

Tang tianbao years, emperor xuanzong worked in this held large-scale water transportation expo and commodities fair, show the hair of the tang dynasty and water transport of trade of the world exposition unblocked, then start.


People around the world the opportunity to xian xian, will back to one of the world's wonders, let the world know, xian is a sleeping dragon, when he woke up will shock the world.


Below I introduce expo features of xian.


Speaking of xian the landmark buildings, the expo is heaven changan tower, creative natural hall, greenhouse and main gate tower, including more reflect nature enterprise the ancient city xian unique characteristics.


Harmony maintained the sui and tang dynasties of changan tower square pagodas verve, but also increase the modern elements, a successful combination, hand in photograph reflect.


95 meters, total high tower, the ground 13 14 layer a layer, layer underground dungeons;


The top of the tower will be built sky garden flowers will timely replaced.


Heaven changan tower adopts steel structure framework, roof and all pick eaves all use transparent safety glass, wall also USES glass curtain wall, is completed, it will constitute cyrstal effect, full of contemporary feeling, is the best attractions overlooking the park, but also the understanding of contemporary tower. And deductive


Overall structure for "two ring, two axis, five groups".


Among them, the "two ring" points primarily ring and times rings.


Main ring as the core area, the main distribution has outdoor ZhanYuan and gardening spots;


Times for spreading area, decorate ring the garden village, management center, service facilities.


"Two axis" refers to the two landscape axis in the park, the north-south axis, thing for times for shaft.


"Five groups" for changan park, respectively creative park, wuzhou garden, science and technology park and experience park.


The main building has changan tower, creative hall, natural hall MRT and wide door;


Five themes gardening attractions respectively is enterprise, colorful flowers ZhongNa, along the valley HuaYu, overseas grand and Ba on rainbow;


Three places respectively Ba characteristic service on somebody else, is YeFeng waterfront and European feelings.


Distance hailida international expo has been less than 2 months time, I already can't restrain excited mood, giving this millennium ancient expo into a new page, I hereby sincerely wish to become the most attractive expo in xian event, also wish our city xian create splendid future!






除了这些遐迩闻名的古迹之外,西安还是 “丝绸之路”的起点,而秀丽险峻的西岳华山又给这个秦砖汉瓦的世界添了几许清新自然的气息。

Xian, located in central-southwest of the Guanzhong Plain. Weihe River to the north, south Zhongnanshan, surrounded by meandering around, climate suitability, the land is fertile, rich, beautiful scenery.

Xi'an,古称Changan, was the Italian explorer Mark. Polo's Travels in the famous ancient Silk Road starting point, is a city full of historical relics.

Xi'an is the ancient capital of China, one of the seven well-known, City have been built 3100 years. During the long years, Zhou, Qin, Han and Tang dynasties, such as 13 in this capital, which lasted 1100 years.

Xi'an has a large number of historical human landscape: the ancient capital of the Millennium beautiful wide streets straight, you can see a long history and ancient city wall of Xi'an, there are stone monuments known as stacks, as well as the Wild Goose Pagoda, Small Goose Pagoda in Xi'an, such as a sign of building. Of course, people pay more attention to the eyes in the ground, because the "Eighth Wonder of the World" - the Qin Terracotta Warriors and Horses Museum, the birthplace of one of the Chinese nation - Banpo site, reflecting the Chinese society from the matriarchal to the patriarchal clan Yangshao culture change and Longshan Culture Chinese sites such as the precious relics of ancient civilizations, "five thousand years of history in Xi'an," the statement is not false, it is not surprising many foreign heads of state have visited China in Xi'an as a must visit place.

In addition to these well-known far and near the monuments, the Xi'an or the "Silk Road" starting point, and the beautiful huashanica Xiyue dangerous given the Qin Han brick tile route of many of the world's fresh and clean breath.。
